C’est pas beau aujourd’hui !
Ouain, ca fait un bout que ce n’est pas très reluisant. Commence a être tanné de voir du rouge pratiquement jour après jour. Mais bon, je ferai rien, ça ne me tente pas d’essuyer des pertes pis je crois au potentiel du secteur. J’en profiterai pour reviser l’intéret de certaines positions à ce moment la.
sur une note positive, $CANN.c est sur le point de virer au vert
Moi j ai de bonnes position avec MMJ, CANN, LG JE suis encore dans le positif mais j ai hâte que sa remonte J aime bien vous lire mais on as pas de nouvelles souvent malheureusement
Perso, je resterais loin de LG, ils sont pas très sérieux et bcp trop d’actions en circulation
100% d’accord. LG Capital ne fait que soumettre des news release annoncant des LOI avec 1000 et un projet. Un LOI n’a pas vraiment de valeur, c’est seulement une annonce d’intérêt.
De plus, je porterais un très gros DD sur le management. L’entreprise est gérée par David Lenigas, qui a un bel historique de compagnies qu’il pumpait et qui finissent toutes par faire faillite.
L’un de ses derniers faits d’armes avait été de dire que UKOG avait une possibilité d’extraire 100 milliards de baril de pétrole dans sa source de pétrole. L’entreprise est 2 ans plus tard tout près de la faillite.
Il est un peu l’équivalent australien de Clive Massey, CEO de Tasca Resources(TAC.V) . Un menteur,promoteur qui a un historique lamentable d’amener de la richesse à ses actionnaires.
le recul de maricann se poursuit aujourdhui…
Superbe journée dans le secteur, je crois que la pause tire à sa fin et nous verrons de nouveaux sommets dans les prochains mois
Vous en pensez quoi de GLH, Golden Leaf Holdings Ltd. Je trouve que des produits à base de mari pour des cigarettes électroniques pourrait être très intéressant. J’aimerais avoir vos avis!
NF (New Age Farm) a des produits similaires avec leur partenariat avec We Are Kured.
Ma position dans NF est très petite et purement spéculative.
Ce qui me dérange c’est le 300+ millions d’actions.
Ils ont un beau plan d’expansion. If you believe.
Je viens d’aller voir leur site! Je ne trouve pas leurs produit par contre? Ou avez vous vu leur cigarette électronique à base de cannabis?
Ils en parlent souvent, entre autres ici: https://newagefarminc.com/new-age-farm-updates-acquisition-of-hemp-based-cbd-company-we-are-kured-llc/
"Our state of the art, single use ceramic vaporizer contains 250mg of uniquely formulated terpene infused compliant hemp based CBD oil. The ceramic vaporizer paired with the highest quality CBD oil is the first of many products to be introduced to worldwide consumers via social media advertising, celebrity endorsement as well as through traditional distribution channels.”
Mr. Carman Parente, president and CEO of New Age Farm commented, “This is a rapidly growing industry and, being able to deliver hemp based CBD oil to our target audience through We Are Kured’s platform and influencers, we are keen to educate our demographic and to put these products in consumers’ hands.”
Par définition, ce n’est pas exactement une cigarette électronique, mais pourrait combler un besoin similaire.
FP says Aphria, rivals hear pot sells for about $7/gram
2018-03-12 09:18 ET - In the News
See In the News (C-APH) Aphria Inc
The Financial Post reports in its Saturday edition that Canadians are paying just under $7 a gram for marijuana, on average, says Statistics Canada’s The Post’s Mark Rendell writes that between Jan. 25 and Feb. 28, Statscan received 17,139 voluntary reports, submitted on-line, on how much people paid for pot. Statscan says the national average price for a gram of cannabis was $6.83, although price ranged widely depending on location, quantity purchased and use. Cannabis was cheapest in Quebec, coming in at $5.88 a gram on average. It was most expensive in the Northwest Territories, where people reported paying an average of $11.46 a gram. In most other provinces, people paid slightly more than the national average. Only in Quebec and New Brunswick were cannabis users paying less than the national average. Of the major cities, Torontonians reported paying the most, at $7.94 a gram. The average price in Montreal was $6.24, while in Vancouver and Calgary the price was $7.62 and $7.09. Statscan is trying to arrive at a better sense of cannabis pricing ahead of recreational legalization. Pricing is important component of the government’s hope of having a legal market eclipse the existing black market.
J aime bien vous suivre dans mon portefeuille j ai 23 compagnie et j aimerais que vous me mettiez ces 5 compagnies par ordre d importance selon vous Merci d avance
CANN MMJ LIB GHG KALY D accord c est dur de savoir d avance mais vous avez du flair
Importance en quel terme ? Celui qui a le plus de upside ?
Oui meilleur rendement as long terme
Pour moi c’est CANN de loin. Je suis biaisé par contre car je détiens une énorme position
Grosse nouvelle pour le secteur. BIG pharma se joint à la dance
Licensed weed producer Tilray has formed a strategic alliance with Sandoz Canada
Big Pharma has officially entered the Canadian cannabis industry
One of Canada’s largest licensed weed producers has formed a strategic partnership with a major pharmaceutical company, marking the first — and much anticipated — foray of Big Pharma into the legal cannabis industry.
Tilray, which is largely a British Columbia-based company but with headquarters in Toronto, announced early Monday morning that it had signed a binding letter of intent with Sandoz Canada, an affiliate of Sandoz International GmBh, which is part of the Swiss pharma giant Novartis AG.
The agreement has two major components to it. First, it will see Tilray leveraging Sandoz’s know-how and internal sales force to educate Canadian pharmacists and physicians about Tilray’s medical cannabis products. Second, Sandoz and Tilray will partner up exclusively to develop new non-combustible cannabis products such as gel caps, edibles and sprays. And depending on future regulatory changes, Sandoz could eventually become the wholesale distributor of Tilray’s medical products to Canadian pharmacies and hospitals.
“A lot of people were wondering when global pharma would enter the cannabis industry. Now it officially has,” Tilray Chief Executive Officer Brendan Kennedy told VICE Money in an interview. “This is a huge milestone for us, our industry, and the medical community at large.”
Canada’s medical marijuana market, established in 2013 under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Regulations (ACMPR) regime, has already spawned a billion dollar industry. In the second quarter of 2017 alone, licensed weed producers sold 7,500 kg of cannabis oil products and almost 6,000 kg of dried marijuana. There are roughly 235,000 registered medical cannabis patients and 10,433 medical practitioners nationwide who have at some point, prescribed medical cannabis to patients, according to data from Statistics Canada.
Tilray is in essence, enlisting the help of Sandoz Canada to convince physicians that their cannabis products should be the go-to, over hundreds of other products that are currently on the market.
“We have an existing sales force of about 10 people that spend a substantial amount of time meeting physicians on a daily basis and educating them about our products. Sandoz has a sales force 10 times that size, which will enable us to scale up that physician education process rapidly,” Kennedy said.
Pharmacies in Canada are still not allowed to distribute medical cannabis — the only way one can obtain weed for medical use is through the mail, directly from licensed weed producers. But Canada’s biggest pharmacy chain, Shoppers’ Drug Mart recently applied for a Health Canada license to dispense medical marijuana, a license that is widely expected to be granted. Tilray, for its part has already signed a deal with Shoppers’ to supply medical cannabis products, one of three companies — Aurora and Canopy Growth being the other two — that hope to to stake out their early claim as wholesale distributors.
According to Kennedy, Sandoz Canada had spent the last 18 months studying the medical cannabis industry in an attempt to figure out how Big Pharma might fit into the Canadian cannabis landscape. “They were really focused on ethics, quality and compliance practices and were looking for a company the right way. We had our first meeting with them in the summer of 2017,” Kennedy said.
To date, global pharmaceutical companies have not shown a keen interest in the cannabis industry — some believe that is due purely to the limited opportunity for patents. “The patent potential of cannabis is restricted to certain formulations, not the kind of products that are currently available through the ACMPR,” said Phillipe Lucas, Tilray’s Vice-President of Patient Research and Advocacy. “In fact, patents in methods of delivery have already been claimed by others,” he added.
But Sandoz focuses on generic pharmaceuticals, which might explain their interest in entering the medical weed market. “We perform research on cannabis products for research and development, products that we can’t sell yet but can be used for clinical trials and exported for clinical trials. To Sandoz that gave them tremendous confidence because they saw us as kind of a pharmaceutical company as well,” Kennedy claimed.
Tilray exports its products to 10 other countries including Germany, Czech Republic, Australia and New Zealand which have come to view Canada as a safe and reliable source of medical cannabis. In Germany, pharmacies sell medical weed and the government’s universal drug program covers the costs.
“We’ve been saying that Canada has the potential to be a global leader in exporting medical cannabis as a biotech product,” said Kennedy. “A global pharma company knocking on our industry’s door is the first step in that process.’