
IPA.V - ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd

Je ne suis plus membre de SmallCap Discoveries mais content de voir qu’il demeure prudent avec ses projections de rendements potentiels :sweat_smile:

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1000 bagger au prix actuel c’est 170 milliards $ de market cap.

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C’est pas moi qui l’a dit :rofl:

The Wolff of Wall Street…


Bref, si la CDPQ et IQ mettaient chacun 60M$ (120M$ total) pour acheter IPA, ils pourraient ensuite rembourser pres de 78% de la dette totale du Québec, qui était de 219M fin-mars 2022. En bonus, on aurait même pu besoin de piger dans le fonds des générations! Un peu comme a fait la SAAQ avec les permis de conduire, peut-être qu’on pourrait avoir une réduction dans le paiement de nos impôts provincials pour quelques années,:rofl:

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Semble être un premier contrat lié à la technologie LensAI (Biostrand). Pas de chiffre en vue mais ce sera intéressant à suivre dans les prochains mois voir si d’autres contrats du genre sont annoncés.

Et la CEO a ajouté un autre 2500 actions depuis mon post il y a 9 jours…j’aimerais continuer de voir les initiés acheter à des prix qui continuent de monter.


IPA’s Subsidiary Talem Therapeutics Licenses Antibodies for Three OmniChicken-Derived Programs

  • Under strategic collaboration, Talem, an IPA subsidiary, expands its relationship with Ligand/OmniAb, Inc., to develop three immuno-oncology programs targeting validated targets
  • Talem intends to leverage IPA’s broad range of advanced laboratory and in silico computational technologies, including LENSai™
  • Antibodies were discovered using OmniChicken antibody discovery technology

VICTORIA, British Columbia — IPA (IMMUNOPRECISE ANTIBODIES LTD.) (the “Company” or “IPA”) (NASDAQ: IPA) (TSXV: IPA), today announced that its subsidiary, Talem Therapeutics LLC (“Talem”), has entered into a multi-target license agreement with OmniAb, Inc., a subsidiary of Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated. The agreement builds upon Talem’s extensive antibody development expertise and its access to LENSai™ in silico software technology to further the development and commercialization of OmniChicken-derived antibody panels against B7H3, CD38 and TIM3, which are immuno-oncology targets. The collaboration leverages antibodies from the OmniChicken discovery technology, the industry’s first successfully engineered bird with an immune system that can efficiently generate human sequence antibody repertoires for the discovery of therapeutic antibodies, with Talem’s advanced antibody development technologies aimed at optimizing clinical success.

Under the terms of the agreement, Talem will oversee the development and optimization of the antibodies for each program. OmniAb and Talem will share downstream economics upon potential out-licensing or commercialization of the programs.

“This collaboration leverages Talem’s unique strengths in optimizing and developing scientifically rigorous and clinically-relevant antibodies and provides an exceptional opportunity to apply AI-driven in silico technologies available to Talem to rapidly develop antibodies derived from the OmniChicken discovery technology,” stated Dr. Jennifer Bath, CEO of IPA.

Dr. Bath continued, “We believe that the expertise of the IPA Family with a variety of antibody formats and broad range of powerful in silico and advanced wet lab technologies, will enable Talem to meaningfully accelerate the development of these potential life-saving therapies faster and with more accuracy than ever before.”

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Voyon voir si le fait de se retirer de la bourse canadienne va voir un effet positif sur le titre!

VICTORIA, British Columbia, November 22, 2022 --(BUSINESS WIRE)–IPA (IMMUNOPRECISE ANTIBODIES LTD.) (the « Company » or « IPA ») (NASDAQ: IPA) (TSXV: IPA) announces that it has applied and has received approval for a voluntary delisting of its common shares from the TSX Venture Exchange (« TSXV »). Accordingly, it is anticipated that, effective as at the close of trading on Friday, November 25, 2022, IPA’s common shares will no longer be listed and posted for trading on the TSXV.

Jusqu’à date, ça semble me donner raison :joy::joy:

IPA en mange une pas pire aujourd’hui. Pour ce que ça vaut, d’autres achats de la CEO :

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