
RLV.V - Relevium Technologies Inc

Le CEO achète sur les marchés et possède 6M d’actions avec un average d’environ 12 cents… Au moins ça d’un peu encourageant

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Je me connais pas RLV, mais si l’exécution n’est pas au rendez-vous, je questionnerais fortement l’idée d’investir seulement sur la base du prix de l’action.

J’ai essayé deux fois d’investir dans des stock de < 0,03$. La première a fait -80% (RB) et l’autre -100% (GLK).

Autre exemple : PTE semblait avoir atteint son prix plancher à 0,05$ et aujourd’hui elle est à 0,035.

Bref, je préfère payer cher pour une bonne entreprise que payer pas cher pour une mauvaise entreprise.

Et je rappelle que je ne connais pas RLV :slight_smile:

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Je suis dans la même situation que JPA et j’ai perdu beaucoup $ dans ce titre, je suis également sur le groupe FB et il n’y a rien de rassurant avec cette compagnie. À l’époque j’ai cru au plan d’action du business de réaliser plusieurs acquisitions d’entreprises profitables dans le domaine des suppléments alimentaires. Cependant, ils ont fait un virage 180 degré vers le cannabis médical et ils font la promotion des bénéfices (meanwhile rien de nouveau ici, ça fait des décennies que ce marché existe). Aussi, leur première acquisition a plafonné au niveau des ventes et bénéfices… À éviter selon moi!

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Je me demande si RLV est dans les 500 brands :rofl:

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MONTRÉAL, le 28 janvier 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Relevium Technologies Inc. (TSX.V: «RLV», OTCQB: «RLLVF» et Francfort: «6BX») (la «Société» ou «Relevium»), est heureux de fournir une mise à jour sur la transaction proposée avec Newscope Capital.

Comme annoncé dans une [lettre du PDG publiée le 19 décembre 2019,
l’un des principaux objectifs de la société pour 2020 est la cristallisation de la valeur des unités commerciales existantes. Le 29 octobre 2019, la Société a [annoncé qu’elle avait exécuté une lettre d’intention avec Newscope Capital pour débloquer la valeur de son activité nutraceutique. Parallèlement, le 8 novembre 2019, la Société a également annoncé qu’elle avait conclu une [entente pour acquérir une entreprise de fabrication sous contrat située à Montréal, au Québec.

Le présent communiqué de presse a pour objet d’informer les actionnaires de l’avancement de la transaction proposée.


La Société est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle a reçu le soutien des porteurs de billets convertibles garantis 2018 (les «porteurs de billets») pour la transaction proposée. Aux termes des conditions proposées pour la transaction, les billets actuels, qui sont garantis contre tous les actifs de la Société, seront échangés contre des billets de Newscope Capital et la sûreté correspondante suivra les actions et les participations de BGX E-Health. LLC qui sera vendue à Newscope Capital dans le cadre de la transaction résultant en ce qui suit:

  1. Newscope Capital acquerra de Relevium toutes les actions et participations de BGX E-Health LLC et les droits de la société de fabrication à contrat à Montréal, Québec, ce qui inclut la prise en charge de la dette relative aux billets en circulation avec une obligation de capital et d’intérêts courus de 2,35 millions de dollars, réduisant ainsi le prix d’achat payé par Newscope Capital d’un montant équivalent (voir ci-dessous pour plus d’informations).

  2. La durée des nouveaux billets, désormais un passif pris en charge par Newscope Capital, sera portée à 24 mois suivant la date de clôture de la transaction, portant le même taux d’intérêt, une conversion égale au prix de transaction, soit 0,50 $ par action, et un mécanisme de remboursement anticipé sous réserve du financement et de l’inscription simultanés des actions de Newscope Capital à la Bourse des valeurs canadiennes (CSE).

  3. Sans aucune restriction, Relevium s’engage à mettre en dépôt les actions qu’elle reçoit de Newscope Capital dans le cadre de la transaction afin de fournir une sécurité supplémentaire aux porteurs de billets.

  4. Relevium restera obligé envers les porteurs de billets avec des billets non convertibles totalisant 325 000 $, qui devraient être payés en plusieurs versements sur quatre mois. Si Relevium conclut un financement important, il est prévu que les billets restants seront accélérés et remboursés en totalité.

Les conditions définitives de la transaction seront reflétées dans l’accord définitif entre Relevium et Newscope, qui devrait être exécuté prochainement, et les parties ont l’intention de procéder à la clôture officielle de la transaction avant la fin de ce trimestre.

Relevium travaille actuellement à la recherche de l’approbation de ses actionnaires lors de la prochaine assemblée annuelle et extraordinaire des actionnaires de la Société, prévue pour la fin février à Montréal, au Québec. L’approbation des actionnaires est requise car la participation dans Bioganix E-Health LLC représente un actif important de Relevium, mais la société considère la transaction comme une monétisation puisque Relevium détiendra la majorité des actions émises et en circulation de Newscope Capital après la clôture.

La transaction est également sujette à l’approbation de la Bourse de croissance TSX et de la Bourse des valeurs canadiennes.


Compte tenu des développements décrits ci-dessus, la Société a également le plaisir de fournir un résumé des conditions mises à jour de la transaction, sous réserve de l’exécution de l’Accord définitif entre les parties.

Selon les modalités mises à jour de la transaction, Newscope Capital acquerra la totalité des actions et des droits d’adhésion de BGX E-Health LLC et les droits de la société de fabrication à contrat à Montréal (Québec) pour une contrepartie totale de 10 millions $ moins la dette présumée de 2,35 $ millions pour un paiement net par Newscope Capital de 7,65 millions de dollars, qui devrait être satisfait comme suit:

  1. Un minimum de 500 000 $ en espèces, dont 200 000 $ ont déjà été avancés par Newscope Capital à Relevium sous la forme d’un billet à ordre à ordre se rangeant uniquement derrière la garantie accordée aux porteurs de billets.

  2. 7 150 000 $ en actions de Newscope, représentant un total de 14,3 millions d’actions à 0,50 $ par action.

  3. Relevium a accepté une retenue de 10% sur la transaction via l’entiercement de 1 430 000 actions de Newscope Capital pour les ajustements relatifs à certains jalons de revenus de BGX E-Health LLC, qui seront incorporés et dûment divulgués dans l’accord définitif à conclure entre le des soirées. Newscope suppose également le gain de performance que Relevium aurait dû accepter à l’égard des activités proposées de la société de fabrication sous contrat.

  4. Newscope Capital devrait lever un minimum de 1,5 million de dollars et jusqu’à un maximum de 5 millions de dollars par le biais d’un placement privé simultané de titres, avec un prix d’émission d’au moins 0,50 $. Les modalités définitives du placement privé en actions sont en cours de négociation.

Aurelio Useche, PDG de Relevium a déclaré : «Avec le soutien de nos détenteurs de billets et actionnaires, nous sommes impatients de conclure une transaction réussie avec Newscope Capital, qui ouvre la voie à une société nutraceutique entièrement intégrée et ciblée, qui ne se concentrera pas uniquement sur la croissance organique de son activité, mais aussi de réaliser l’acquisition de nouvelles activités complémentaires.

C’est une bonne ou mauvaise nouvelle? 0.025$ ce matin, RLV #deception

Ho my god… quelle erreur, quelle erreur, j’aurais pas dû, j’aurais pas dû! Mon pire investissement. Les chances de revoir mon prix payé (10 cents voilà 3ans) est pas mal nul… Ça coute cher apprendre à l’occasion.

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Est-ce la résurrection de RLV également ? Thyrexx, on va peut-être avoir notre chance de liquider notre position très prochainement. Quelle compagnie de misère… Ils sont passé des vitamines, au Blockchain, au ICO, au Cannabis et maintenant une news pour profiter de la manne du Covid-19. Je mettrais ma main au feu qu’ils vont se rediriger totalement vers l’opportunité du Covid-19 et peut-être même abandonner le cannabis.

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Relevium To Launch Photocatalytic UV Air Purification System For Bioganix® Cleancare Line

Incroyable lol.

Certaines microcaps ont 9 vies comme les chats!

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RLV gets to live for another P&D.

Quand même divertissant les TTD, LBL et autres penny qui du jour au lendemain se font bid up sur du pur fluff.

Ce n’est pas même pas subtil!

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Ils mettent de côté le cannabis (pour l’instant) comme je croyais… Ils vont tout faire pour « pumper le titre » et lever du cash. Va y avoir d’autres nouvelles…

Manque juste des changements de ticker pour $COVD ou $SARS pour égaler la vague du cannabis!

Je serais nerveux de garder ces titres douteux…

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has halted Vancouver’s Roadman Investments Corp., a purported developer of « breakthrough products, » citing the company’s plans to use cedar leaf oil as a potential COVID-19 treatment. As the SEC sees things, there are questions about the accuracy of the company’s disclosure. A halt is necessary for the protection of investors.

The SEC’s halt, issued on Monday, April 13, is one of many the regulator has issued in recent weeks against companies claiming to have products related to the treatment of COVID-19. On Thursday, the regulator halted Bioelife Corp., a former Saskatchewan cobalt explorer that claimed to be developing a mask (called the « RespiPro Virus Killer ») as part of a line of COVID-19 products. The SEC previously halted Eastgate Biotech Corp. of Toronto, which claimed to have the rights to a drug that would supposedly reduce the severity of COVID-19.

Today’s target, Roadman Investments, is a Vancouver company that trades on the TSX Venture Exchange and on the OTC Markets Group’s lowly pink tier. In halting the stock, the SEC cites a trail of news releases that the company has issued since Feb. 12, 2020. In particular, the SEC questions the company’s claims surrounding the commercialization of cedar leaf oil as a promising treatment for COVID-19. The SEC has not said exactly what it is about the company’s claims that drew its attention, with the halt order simply referring to questions about the « accuracy and adequacy of information » contained in 12 of the company’s news releases.

1 « J'aime »

Relevium arranges, closes $1.8M private placement

2020-05-25 15:58 ET - News Release

Mr. Aurelio Useche reports


Relevium Technologies Inc. has arranged a private placement offering of up to 58 million units of the company at a price of 3.5 cents per unit, with each unit consisting of one share and one common share purchase warrant. Each warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share of the company at a strike price of five cents for a period of two years from the date of issuance. The warrants are subject to an acceleration feature if the volume-weighted average price of the common shares trades at or above 7.5 cents on the TSX Venture Exchange for a period of seven consecutive days, starting four months and one day from closing.

Closing of financing

The company has received subscription agreements for a total of 51.4 million units for gross proceeds of approximately $1.8-million. The company has agreed to and may pay a finder’s fee of 10 per cent cash and 10 per cent brokers’ warrants for units sold to certain accredited investors. Each broker’s warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share of the company at a strike price of five cents for a period of one year from the date of issuance.

The net proceeds of the offering will be used to finance business development and for working capital purposes.

All securities issued pursuant to the offering are subject to a statutory four-month hold period and regulatory approval.

Minimum price temporary relief

The offering is proceeding pursuant to an application by the company to the TSX-V for a waiver from the minimum five-cent price for private placements, pursuant to the TSX-V bulletin dated April 8, 2020. Under TSX-V Policy 4.1 – Private Placements, the offering price for a financing involving the issuance of listed shares must not be less than the applicable discounted market price, which includes a minimum price of five cents. Under the current temporary relief policy of the TSX-V, the minimum offering price is revised from five cents to one cent in certain circumstances where the market price of an issuer’s listed shares is not greater than five cents.

Le bon vieux ‹ ‹ Pump › › de 0,015$ à 0,07$ en avril pour ensuite compléter un financement super dilutif. La commission de 10% en cash et 10% en bons de souscription est très chère aussi.

Leur situation ne s’améliore vraiment pas. C’est malheureusement le genre de compagnie qui donne mauvaise réputation aux microcaps.

3 « J'aime »

Relevium loses $11,514 in Q3

2020-07-16 17:46 ET - News Release

Mr. Aurelio Useche reports


Relevium Technologies Inc. has released third quarter results for fiscal year ended June 30, 2020.

During the three-month period ended March 31, 2020, the Company undertook a complete review of its products portfolio and its overall costs’ structure. The Company began eliminating high-cost and high-competition products from its portfolio, which lead to a significant decrease in marketing and promotion expenses. The macroeconomic context of the Company during the third quarter was a primary driver of this decision, including significant valuation gaps, lack of liquidity in the capital markets and the start of a global pandemic.

During this restructuring period, sales were reduced to focus only on the profitable top 20% of our products which resulted in revenues for the three-month period of $529,735 ($1,038,467 in 2019) but with significantly improved net loss of $11,514 ($945,261 in 2019). The focus on profitable products led to improved gross profit margins as compared to sales 79% as compared to 54% in the comparable period last year. For the nine-month period ended March 31, 2020, the Company reported revenues of $2,671,675 ($3,030,019 in 2019) and a net loss $1,305,932 ($2,600,035 in 2019).

Financial highlights for the three-month period ended March 31, 2020

The Company reported a decreased revenue for the reporting period. Revenues were reported as $529,735 (compared to $1,038,467 for the three-month period ended March 31, 2020).

Gross margins for the period increased by twenty-five percentage points to 79%, compared to 54% in the previous year.

Total expenses for the quarter decreased by $1,072,863 to $434,136 (compared to $1,506,999 in 2019).

The company reported a net and comprehensive loss of $197,871 (compared to a net and comprehensive loss of $955,038 in the previous period).

Financial highlights for the nine-month period ended March 31, 2020

The Company reported a decrease in revenues for the reporting period. Revenues were $2,671,675 (compared to $3,030,019 in the comparable quarter in 2019).

Gross margins for the period increased by five percentage points to 60%, compared to 55% in the previous year.

Total expenses for the second quarter decreased by $1,336,445 to $2,918,686 (compared to $4,255,131 in 2019).

The company reported a net and comprehensive loss of $1,241,322 (compared to a net and comprehensive loss of $2,613,586 in 2019)

Total assets as at March 31, 2020 were $8,338,820 (compared to $8,560,452 as at June 30, 2019).

Total liabilities were $4,339,071 (compared to $3,512,144 on June 30, 2019) primarily driven by higher accounts payables and accrued liabilities and short-term loans.

Current assets were $1,573,678 (compared to $1,796,016) a decrease primarily driven by lower cash and equivalents and higher accounts receivables.

Current liabilities were $4,297,071 (compared to %1,343,664 as at June 31, 2019). The increase is primarily due to the transfer of the long-term convertible debentures into short terms liabilities as they are due within the year.

Relevium’s CEO, Aurelio Useche, stated, « This has been an extraordinarily challenging time for people and businesses globally. We have remained active and taken the opportunity to reset our costs structure. We are actively taking this opportunity as well with the goal of seeing our business strategies thrive over the longer term as we introduce new products that support current opportunities in the market. »


The operations and financial condition of the Company have been affected by the Covid-19 global health crisis. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the management and board of Relevium have worked remotely. The Company follows all federal, provincial, and municipal regulations that have been put in place. The Company will continue to monitor closely developments in this regard, with the health and safety of the Company’s employees and management as the primary concern.

Covid-19 had an initial impact on the Company in the three months ended March 30, 2020. During the three-month period, the Company experienced a decrease in consumer spending along with some minor supply chain and marketplace disruptions.

During the same period and leveraging the disruptions associated with Covid-19, the Company began a program to revamp its cost structure by conducting a major review of its existing product line and cost structure. Over the 18 months prior to the reporting period, costs for selling and marketing started escalating due to increased competition and changes in the Amazon algorithms. In view of this, the Company started eliminating unprofitable or high marketing cost products and those facing aggressive price competition in the Company’s various marketplaces, primarily Amazon.


During the same period, the strategic focus of management strategic was on the conclusion of the roll-over of BGX E-Health LLC into New Scope Capital and the completion of the concurrent financings for both companies. During the reporting period macroeconomic conditions in terms of liquidity in the Canadian financial markets began to deteriorate and along with the overall market capitalization of the Company. In early February, the market begun to feel the effects from the situation in China relating to COVID-19 and in mid-February of 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic, which in itself solidified the weak financial markets and the appetite for new financings contracted.

Business and Corporate Development Highlights

On November 8, 2019, the Company announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire a Montreal-based biopharma contract manufacturer. The transaction was aimed to complement the spin out of BGX and its Bioganix brand. The Company is working closely with the contract manufacturer to transfer the manufacturing of key products to the Montreal-based manufacturer.

The same macroeconomic factors affecting the transaction with Newscope have led Relevium to put the transaction on hold pending a strategic review on a post-pandemic basis. Relevium does not have any outstanding obligations toward the contract manufacturer.

On June 11, 2020, Relevium announced the successful delivery of CleanCare{&#A A ; �} hand sanitizers to retail customers in the US, including the orders announced in the Company’s news release of April 15, 2020.

On June 19, 2020, the Company announced that it had expanded and continues to expand its CleanCare{&#A A ; �} product line, as it prepares to address increased government and institutional demand for disinfection supplies in preparation for a potential second wave of Covid-19.

On June 18, 2020, CBC News reported that NATO nations have agreed to stockpile medical equipment and essential supplies to prepare for an anticipated second wave of Covid-19. Defense ministers from NATO have asked member nations to contribute to an emergency fund to buy even more supplies, as the alliance braces for a second wave of the pandemic. Municipal, regional, and federal governments and institutions are also following suit, and the demand for North American-made and compliant products increases daily.

On June 23, 2020, Relevium announced the appointment of James Mansour, an award-winning brand and marketing executive, to its advisory board. Mr. Mansour is an award-winning branding authority who works closely with global brands to ensure success. He was instrumental in the development of many brands that became icons in the marketplace and multi-billion-dollar businesses, including Victoria’s Secret, the #1 lingerie brand in the world, and Bath and Body Works, the #1 beauty products specialty retailer in the world. Well versed in the needs of global corporations like 3M and Corian and highly experienced in navigating the demands of emerging companies, Mansour Design specializes in integrating brands across all media, delivering clarity, consistency and engaging interactivity, which elevates brands and drives target customers to new products online and on-shelf.

On July 13, 2020, the Company announced the expansion of its CleanCare{&#A A ; �} brand into the disinfection and personal protection market, following its successful entry into the hand sanitizing business. Following this successful launch of its hand sanitizing products, and in view of new demand arising from the ongoing global pandemic, the Company’s brand is expanding its mandate to cover disinfection and personal protection equipment and supplies (the « PPES Business »). With the expected introduction of air purification and disinfection home and office systems this fall, the Company is also mapping the entry into disinfection technologies and other personal protection products.

The Company also announced the appointment of The Paper Store as an official retailer for its Bioganix CleanCare{&#A A ; �} products, covering the northeastern United States. Established in 1964, The Paper Store is the largest family owned and operated specialty gif business in the American northeast. Today, the Anderson family runs over 80 stores throughout the northeast with a thriving ecommerce business and over 3,000 employees. The Company completed the delivery of initial inventory of Bioganix CleanCare{&#A A ; �} during the month of June 2020, and the products received great acceptance by the customer base of The Paper Store.


The most significant challenge for the Company, in terms of its ability to execute its strategy, is its ability to secure financing.

The Company remains focused on the execution of opportunities in the disinfection and personal protection market.

About Relevium Technologies

Relevium is a publicly traded Company that operates in the health and wellness industry, including legal cannabis, with a primary focus on online distribution. The principal business of the Company is the identification, evaluation, acquisition and operation of brands and businesses in the health and wellness markets and medical cannabis. The Company pursues its business strategy through an acquisition and partnership model in a holistic approach to encompass a wide range of health and wellness consumer products. Relevium operates through two wholly owned subsidiaries:

BGX E-Health LLC (BGX), based in Orlando, Florida, markets dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, sports nutrition and cosmeceuticals primarily through its Bioganix brand portfolio in the US and Europe. Relevium’s premium brands are sold at some of the world’s largest retailers including and

Biocannabix Health Corporation (BCX), based in Montreal, Quebec, is a biopharma nutraceutical Company focused on delivering pediatric endo-medicinal nutraceuticals for cannabinoid therapy.

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Relevium Technologies halted at open

2020-09-17 07:55 ET - Halt Trading

Relevium Technologies Inc. has been at the open on Sept. 17, 2020, at the request of the company, pending an announcement.

La faillite est une possibilité lol

4 « J'aime »

02:20 PM EDT, 09/17/2020 (MT Newswires) – Relevium Technologies (RLV.V) on Thursday said its BGX E-Health unit won a US$20 million contract to supply personal protective equipment (PPE) to the Canadian healthcare market, boosting the company’s expected fiscal 2021 revenue by 660% to C$30 million from C$4.05 million.

The company said the contract is for the supply of examination gloves and other PPE to authorized medical distribution companies in Canada with deliveries expected this month and next.

« We have been working diligently in response to the ongoing global pandemic, to execute on the combined PPE supply strategy with our joint venture partners H-Source Holdings. This initial contract marks a major milestone for both companies and validates the joint venture between the companies » Relevium chief executive Aurelio Useche said in a release.

Relevium shares were halted prior to market open, last trading at C$0.03 on the TSX Venture Exchange. No resumption of trading has yet been announced.

Price: 0.03, Change: 0.00, Percent Change: 0.00

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